I'm Ian Stuart, the founder of Atomic School. I've taught chemistry in Queensland schools for more than 30 years (some of that time doing science incursions with Atomic School).
I started out as a secondary school teacher, but about ten years ago I realised kids as young as 4 can start to understand the basics of atomic theory - as long as it's taught to them the right way. Read more about me here and listen to a story about me on ABC Radio National's Science Show here. .
Since then, I've dedicated myself to creating resources and running classes (science incursions) to bring Atomic School to kids.
Now, I've teamed up with some other enthusiastic parents and educators to bring Atomic School classes to the general public. Hope to see you at one of our classes soon!
You can also watch my TEDX talk below.

Holiday Workshops and after-school classes

Do you have one of those kids who just can't seem to learn enough? Their brain is like a sponge, and some of the questions they ask about science go beyond your knowledge, but you really want to feed their insatiable curiosity?
Then you've come to the right place! We get it!
Book a holiday workshop now on the "Classes" page. It'll be the start of a lifelong love of chemistry and understanding of the world.
"I was able to explain basic atomic theory and chemistry to my 8 year old granddaughter! This led to the carbon cycle and the basis of molecules in living things. How we breathe out CO2 and plants and trees breathe it in! What happens when methane burns etc."
John Phillips, Facebook review